WYSI-Wordpress 2.0 ---The Next Generation ----------------------------------------- This is an update to the original WYSI-Wordpress. Improvements: 1. Uses Wordpress' plug-in architecture for an easy install without changing any core Wordpress files. As such, it should be "upgrade-proof". 2. Uses the superior TinyMCE wysiwyg engine instead of htmlarea. 3. Now includes an image upload/management utility, a word search/ replace function, and clickable smilies. ---------------------------------------- Install Instructions for Wordpress 1.5+: ---------------------------------------- 1. Upload all files into your Wordpress plugins directory. 2. Log into your blog and activate the plugin. The main configuration is now finished. You will be able to use all of the functions of the wysiwyg except for the image uploader/manager. Now, we will configure the image uploader/manager. 3. Open up the file Wysi-Wordpress/plugins/ibrowser/iconfig.php Change line 14 $imagedirectory to the appropriate setting. The code is commented to help you determine the correct value. The default is wp-content/images . 4. Make sure that your images upload directory is chmodded to 777. All done! Visit my VERY lazily-maintained blog at http://mudbomb.com if you have any questions.;-)